Making the Grade: The KPIs You Need to Track for Onboarding Success

A thorough and efficient onboarding program for new teachers can significantly affect their motivation, output, and buy-in to the school’s mission and values in an international school. Teachers who feel supported and valued during the onboarding process are more likely to be satisfied with their roles and committed to the school over the long term. The success of an international school’s onboarding program can be gauged by keeping tabs on key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond to desired results like higher teacher engagement and retention, higher teaching quality and performance, greater alignment with the school’s mission and values, better relationships with colleagues and administrators, and shorter learning curves. By measuring and evaluating these KPIs, schools can find places for improvement and make necessary adjustments to their onboarding programs, leading to a more invested, productive, and effective teaching staff.

KPIs for Increased Teacher Engagement and Retention

Increased job satisfaction and decreased turnover can result from an effective onboarding program, improving employee engagement and retention. In addition, having employees who feel supported and valued from the start increases the likelihood that they will remain with the company over the long term.


  • During Onboarding: Conducting and analyzing surveys. According to the results, checking if most new hires feel like they have clear expectations for their roles and responsibilities and are welcomed and supported during the onboarding process.
  • During Postboarding: The percentage of employees who stay with the company, the number of new hires who take advantage of training and advancement opportunities, and the results of employee engagement surveys that reveal a genuine feeling of community and dedication to the company are all important metrics to track.

KPIs for Improved Teaching Quality and Performance

Better output and efficiency may result from providing new hires with the information, training, and tools they need to do their jobs successfully throughout the onboarding process. This has the potential to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace, which would be good for business. A systematic onboarding procedure increases new hire productivity for an organization by 62%.


  • During Onboarding: New hires’ perceptions of their preparedness for work and the duties they have been assigned as a result of the onboarding process.
  • During Postboarding: What percentage of new hires are productive and successful during the first six months? How do managers feel about new hires’ level of readiness and productivity? How do new hires feel about their own capacity to meet expectations and contribute to the organization’s goals?

KPIs for Better Alignment with the School’s Mission and Values

Providing new teachers the resources they require to learn about the institution’s past, guiding principles, and daily activities can aid in their alignment with the mission and culture of the school and enhance their capacity for teamwork and decision-making. This can foster a sense of adoration and dedication to the institution’s vision and mission. By introducing new instructors to the school’s culture, beliefs, and expectations throughout the onboarding process, schools may create a shared understanding that can facilitate communication, collaboration, and teamwork. New teachers are more likely to make decisions compatible with the school’s goals and values when they share those goals and values and have a stake in the institution’s success. This could lead to higher teaching standards, greater job happiness, and an environment where everyone wins.


  • During Onboarding: Feedback from employees on their grasp of the company’s priorities and goals; employee input on the extent to which the onboarding process aided them in comprehending the organization’s culture, values, and mission.
  • During Postboarding: Employee remarks demonstrating an understanding of and commitment to the company’s mission, the percentage of new employees participating in company-wide events, and employee engagement survey results all point to a workforce in sync with its values and objectives.

KPIs for Stronger Relationships with Colleagues and Administrators

During an onboarding program, new hires are presented to their coworkers and managers, allowing them to start building relationships with the people they will be working closely with. As a result, they may feel more at ease and assured in their new roles and have a greater understanding of the dynamics of the workplace. Also, it gives existing employees a chance to get to know the new hire and helps them feel appreciated and welcome.

The motivation of new employees, their pleasure at work, and their general engagement with the company can all be significantly impacted by positive comments from peers and management. Positive reinforcement includes:

  • Getting recognition and credit for a job well done.
  • Participating in team meetings and projects.
  • Feeling like a vital team member.

Employees are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and pride in their work, which promotes increased productivity and better outcomes when they feel they have a stake in the company’s success and are given opportunities to contribute.


  • During Onboarding: Employee feedback on the quantity and quality of internal communications, as well as the number of new hires who take part in any team-building exercises or events
  • During Postboarding: Comments on opportunities for professional growth and advancement by working with colleagues; evidence of a sense of belonging and connection to colleagues and the business in employee engagement surveys

KPIs for Faster Time to Proficiency

An effective onboarding program can accelerate the process of new workers becoming productive team members, benefiting both the business and the new hire. By minimizing the time it takes for new workers to become adept, businesses can save time and resources that would otherwise be required for training and development. This can also make new hires feel more at ease and confident in their roles, which can improve their job happiness and engagement. It can also help the company attain its goals more quickly and effectively if new employees can contribute to its aims and objectives immediately away. Finally, a well-designed onboarding program can have a substantial impact on the company’s bottom line and its ability to compete in the market by supporting new hires in quickly becoming productive team members.


  • During Onboarding: Provide feedback on the usefulness and depth of the training materials you got throughout the onboarding process.
  • During Postboarding, a company: Managerial and peer evaluations of a new hire’s confidence, preparation, and ability to take on increased responsibility and work independently; the percentage of new hires that meet or exceed productivity targets or expectations during the first six months on the job.

International schools, in particular, depend on a solid onboarding process to help new teachers acclimate to their new surroundings and succeed in their new responsibilities. Therefore, evaluating the efficacy of an onboarding program is crucial for any firm. The Onboard360 platform makes it simple for schools to monitor the above KPIs (KPIs). The onboarding process can be strengthened with the help of this instrument, which schools can use to spot weak spots and guarantee that new instructors receive the support they need. With the help of Onboard360’s software, institutions can create comprehensive onboarding programs that engage and inspire new faculty from their first day on the job.

Consider All Your Onboarding Options

Now that you understand the importance of onboarding, you should take the time to consider how best to deliver it. Onboard360 was built from the ground up for international teacher onboarding.

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