Our Program

Create your school’s unique onboarding pathways

Why Onboard360?

At O360, we know the advantages created by a comprehensive onboarding solution and have designed our program to maximize benefits.

We will work with you to make sure that your school’s unique culture, expectations, and lifestyle can be represented by your onboarding experience

Significant Increase in Teacher Retention
Hires decide in the first 6 months how long they're staying. Make them count.
Increase in Teacher Effectiveness
With roles and expectations clearly defined from the beginning, teachers are more effective, fostering greater student achievement.
Improved Contextualized Teaching
In better understanding their local environment, teachers can cultivate more globally aware students.
Community Integration
Help new staff feel more connected and valued within the school environment, giving them a stronger sense of belonging.
Vision and Mission Alignment
Clearly communicate priorities to new hires and they will more strongly embody them.
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The process for your school

Is your school's onboarding program sufficient?

While HR departments work tirelessly to help new hires, often times their job is relegated to answering the same questions for each hire and trying to round up documents needed for visas, work permits, etc.

This leaves very little in the way of welcoming new hires and introducing them to your school’s culture.

Most new hires decide how long they’re staying at a school within the first 6 months. Make the most of that time.

What do we do for you?

Work with us to set up a profile for your school that houses all of your onboarding information in one place.

We take every email, PDF, document, and request you have for new hires and extract all the information, centralizing it on your school’s profile. 

All the instructions, introductions, and requests you make of your new staff is released and kept in digestible pieces, satiating their curiosity but not overwhelming them with emails and links.

Once your employees start reading and completing, we will monitor their progress and update you on any information we find especially important.

Who can this be used for?

Onboarding is a key component in any job, but especially for positions in a school. We believe in putting your best food forward with all new hires, not just teachers.

As such, we can create custom onboarding pathways for many types of staff:

  • International teachers
  • Local teachers
  • Substitutes
  • Incoming administrators
  • Maintenance workers
  • PTA members
  • More

By going in with complete expectations, your employees will be much more successful in their roles. Let us help you get there!


Key Features


No! HR professionals are often relegated to pursuing every new hire – answering questions, gathering documents, and repeating important welcome information – sidelining their ability to truly welcome your new hires.

Our program is designed to be used by HR and school administrators to create a permanent hub of information for new hires and allow HR workers the freedom to introduce the school environment on a more personal level.

Every school we work with has a profile custom built around its needs. We can add information about custom documents which may be specific to the country you are in, how evaluation works for your employees, what the housing will be like for teachers, or even the best time to stop by and get a cup of coffee. Anything you’d like to share with your employees, we make sure it’s communicated.

Beyond that, we work with your school to address any significant gaps our experts identify in your onboarding process and work with you to supplement your current information.

Our team is composed of educators that know schools are busy year round. We seek to alleviate the pressures of moving into a new school year.Once your new employees begin the onboarding process, we monitor their progress, listen to their feedback, and report back to you with a concise report. 

Onboard360 is available to you at any time. Through both our program and our team, if there are any concerns you have about your onboarding process, you can evaluate and address them promptly, making the onboarding experience smoother and more efficient.

We create our pricing structure based on the size of your school.

  • For schools with fewer than 350 students, your school size is considered small. This costs $3500 for a year of use.
  • For schools with between 350 and 1000 students, your school size is considered medium. This costs $5000 for a year of use.
  • For schools with more than 1000 students, your school size is considered large. This costs $6500 for a year of use.

Initially, Onboard360 will have a consultation meeting with your school, during which we gather some preliminary information about what your current onboarding process looks like.

We will also take that time to give you a walk-through of our program, highlighting useful features. This allows you to get an idea of how we may want to shape your school’s onboarding pathway. 

Once you’ve signed on with Onboard360, we get to work right away on your profile. The first step is done entirely on our end. We take every email, document, folder, or video you have for your new hires and break down the information into manageable, bite sized chunks, which we then integrate into our program.

After the initial profile is done, we work with you to address any gaps that might be missing, interviewing your current employees and providing our own insights into what may be added. Together, we revise and create additions until you are satisfied with the onboarding pathway for your school.

As many people as you like! Not only is Onboard360 built to support school administrators, HR employees, and new hires to facilitate a good transition into the school, but it allows the freedom for any input and advice to be added.

We work with mentors, department heads, counselors, or particularly enthusiastic teachers to hear their input and be involved in welcoming new people into your community.

Every hiring season, new people get inducted into your school and through them, we learn about any missing information or confusion on their parts. We collect data and pinpoint any problem areas and work with you to adapt and improve the onboarding process year after year.

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